This retreat is for you if :
- you feel the calling to re-discover or to explore the capacities of your body and voice
- you are intrigued by the idea of letting your body move without choreography and letting your voice sing without notes
- you would love to feel more freedom in your moves, your posture and your expression
- you wish to come closer to who you really are and to be able to claim it
You might already feel apprehension when you imagine yourself improvising or dancing/singing in front of others. Know that if it is your case, this is exactly the retreat for you ! We are going to move forward together, hand in hand, in order to help you authorize yourself gently to make one step, or two, or three, towards a serene inner state.
All the experiences I am going to propose you will be new games that you will have the possibility to try.
And if you already love to improvise, come and take part in this retreat to find/refine your singularity and offer it to the world.
Dare to live is not something serious ! It is precisely the fact of seeing life as a game that permits oneself to liberate from all the constraints, the requirements and the pressures that they impose on themselves.
Knowing that the way you are going to act during an improvisation is the same than the way you behave in your life, the retreat will help you feel what's happening for you when life invites you to be fully yourself.
The Retreat Dare to Live is planned for 5 participants only , in order to offer a very personalized and deep experience. Each person will have the time and the space to discover, explore and express its unique colour inside of this little group.
Each participant will receive
an Egyptian-Essenian Session BEFORE the Retreat, in order to initiate the liberation process and to clarify intentions and areas of work,
and their Music of the Soul AT THE END of the Retreat, so that they can continue to connect to the essence of the energy that they will have found/amplified deep within them during these 5 days.
Here the different steps in the retreat's experiences' progress :
1. Refining the awareness of what is there (inner sensations)
2. Discovering and liberating with compassion what interferes with the freedom of being (fears, judgments, beliefs, etc.)
3. Supporting the liberated inner spaces by filling them with trust
4. Daring to show oneself, daring to express oneself, daring to be
There will also be, during the retreat :
- writing moments
- talking circles
- musical journeys
- rituals of transmutation
The keywords of the retreat :
1 Egyptian-Essenian Session, 5 days of Retreat, 7 nights, 1 Music of the Soul :