Healing through Music of the Soul

Music of the Soul

When we listen to our Music of the Soul with all our cells, we receive a mother's hug.
A mother who sees her child as he is, who loves him unconditionally and transmits essential messages to him.
A mother who surrounds, supports and nurtures.
A mother who liberates from what is not love.
A mother who gives absolute permission to be yourself.




It’s wonderful, what a trip! What a depth, what a cleansing, and above all what a rebirth! It feels so good!

Congratulations and long life to the music of the soul, my Beautiful Soul.


“The music of my soul allows me to come back to myself.

Sometimes I get lost. Sometimes I doubt. Sometimes I forget who I am. Sometimes I feel alone.

Or maybe I don't feel myself. Sometimes I no longer have momentum. I'm losing confidence. I do not know anymore.

I do not love myself. And I'm scared. I fall from my throne.

I need someone to sing to me about who I am.

The music of my soul calls me back. I remember.

I come back to my essence.

Beyond my character, I am whole.

I am loved, I am Love, I am Divine.

I am you, I am the Universe.

Life passes through me, I can say YES to it.

At each threshold,

With each celebration of my being,

The music of my soul honors the unalterable pearl deep within me."

(Emanuela Carl)


The Healing through Music of the Soul is a very gentle treatment that unfolds in several phases: our first exchange, the discovery of your Music of the Soul and an energetic therapy (in presence or remotely).


I make myself available to let the singular frequency of your soul pass through me and make it audible.

Get in touch with me!

As soon as a soul-to-soul connection is established between us (in person, by telephone or through writing), I make myself available to receive the music of your soul. It will be a polyphonic song in light-language that you will receive in digital format (mp3). I will also send you a letter that your soul has dictated to me for you.

We will experience together (in presence or remotely) the energetic therapy linked to your Music of the Soul. This will allow you to receive and integrate the messages that your soul seeks to transmit to you. You will develop a very special bond with your Music of the Soul so that it can continue to support and accompany you in the future.

Don't hesitate to embark on this beautiful adventure towards yourself!

Healing through Music of the Soul can be accompanied by an Egyptian-Essenian Therapy. In this case, the energetic treatment after the Music of the Soul is even more in-depth, it will allow you to better meet your soul, heal your energetic bodies and release obstacles towards the expression of who you are.

More information on Egyptian-Essenian Therapies

Pregnant Women

The Music of the Soul is very appreciated by pregnant women.
In this specific case, it is the baby's soul which transmits messages to its mother.
It allows the connection to the fetus during pregnancy, the call of the baby during childbirth and the welcoming of the child afterwards.
The baby will feel confident in this well-known musical bath and
his Music of the Soul will accompany him all his life!

Music of the Soul of Babies

Music of the Soul of Children

Heart Contribution

Healing through Music of the soul


Egyptian-Essenian Therapy - Music of the soul

(instead of 250€ for an Egyptian-Essenian Therapy and a Music of the Soul)


Don't hesitate to talk to me if you have financial difficulties. Treatment is payable in installments. Exchanges are also possible.

Gift Vouchers

Also consider offering gift vouchers to the people you care about!


"As soon as his voice caresses our ear we are transported into the depths of our being, it vibrates to this song like a loving echo, and above all it envelops us, understands us and heals us. It tells a story, too, ours, with her voice filled with love and wonderful energies that do you a lot of good!
I don't know how she does it, but I just had to tell her a little about myself and the girl who was growing in my belly for her singing to be magical and beneficial when I listened to it. Today, my daughter was born and we listen to it together: she loves it! She already knew!
Try the experience, it's a magnificent journey within yourself that brings balm to the heart and sweetness to the soul…"

The Himbas of Namibie

The Himbas of Namibie

"Among the Himba of Namibia in southern Africa, the date of birth of a child is fixed, not at the moment of its coming into the world, nor at that of its conception, but much earlier: from the day on which the child is thought of in his mother's mind.
When a woman decides she is going to have a child, she sits and rests under a tree, and she listens until she can hear the song of the child who wants to be born. And after she has heard this child's song, she returns to the man who will be the child's father to teach him this song. And then, when they make love to physically conceive the child, they sing the child's song, in order to invite him.
When the mother is pregnant, she teaches this child's song to the midwives and elder women of the village. So much so that when the child is born, the old women and people around him sing his song to welcome him.
As the child grows, the other villagers learn his song. So much so that if the child falls, or is hurt, there is always someone to pick him up and sing his song. Likewise, if the child does something wonderful, or successfully goes through the rites of passage, the people of the village sing his song to honor him.
In the tribe, there is another occasion when the villagers sing for the child. If, at any time during his or her life, the person commits a crime or an aberrant social act, the individual is called to the center of the village and the people of the community form a circle around him or her. Then they sing his song. The tribe recognizes that the correction of antisocial behavior does not come through punishment, it is through love and reminder of identity. When you recognize your own song, you don't want or need to do anything that would harm the other.
And so it is throughout their lives. In marriage, songs are sung, together. And when, having grown old, this child lies in his bed, ready to die, all the villagers know his song, and they sing, for the last time, his song.