Egyptian Essenian Therapies

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according to the complete method transmitted by Marie Johanne Croteau-Meurois and Daniel Meurois

Trained by Bruno Cicero, I am happy to be able to offer you Egyptian Essenian Therapies according to the complete method taught by Marie-Johanne Croteau-Meurois and Daniel Meurois.
These energy treatments are particularly in-depth and provide global care for the individual in their multi-dimensionality. They flood us with light and peace, beauty and love.
Practicing them fills me with joy at each new encounter. I am honored to be of service to accompany you on your path, while continuing to grow alongside you.
I welcome you with pleasure in Vinezac, Ardèche, France.
Thank you in advance for your trust, your open heart and your desire to evolve.


In accordance with the Code of Ethics of the ITTEE association, I am aware that my practice cannot in any way replace any medical or para-medical practice.
I do not make any health diagnosis and I inform and encourage the consultant of the need for follow-up by the medical profession in the event of acute or chronic illnesses, in parallel with the care that I offer.

The nature of this care

Egyptian Essenian sensitivity treatments constitute a global therapeutic approach to the human being whose real origin is undoubtedly lost in the Night of Time. Indeed, although the Egyptians contemporary with Pharaoh Akhenaten and their direct heirs, the Essenes, largely contributed to structuring them, their primary roots are clearly ageless.
These treatments concern the being in its triple constitution, body-soul-spirit, and in its multi-dimensionality. We refer mainly to the Essenian Tradition to evoke them due to the fact that the Community from which the Master Jesus came was recognized for their practice. The term ¨sensitivity¨ which is added to them here reflects both their timeless aspect and the state of mind of openness in which they must be taught. In this sense, treatments of Egyptian Essenian sensitivity in no way constitute a set of ¨therapeutic recipes¨ nor a method fixed within a predetermined framework. They claim a holistic and sacred vision of the human being at the heart of the ocean of Life and throughout time.

All the knowledge that these treatments require leads the therapist to:
Working with this universal energy which bears the name of prâna, working with the chakras and nadis as well as practicing surgery on the subtle bodies. Reading the aura, both visual and tactile, is also one of the tools used by the therapist.

Through this approach, the practice of Egyptian Essenian sensitivity is concerned with:
Restoring harmonious energy circulation throughout the body through conscious and respectful work on its chakras, its nadis and its multiple levels of subtle realities.
Promoting the detection and elimination of toxic thought-forms which are often the cause of many diseases.
Initializing or facilitating awareness allowing the being to take important steps in their inner development.
Identifying and unclogging hurtful memories that may be blocked in the body's cells.
Working to prevent possible physical and psychological disorders by detecting areas of blockages or energy intoxications destabilizing the body or certain of its organs.
© Marie Johanne Croteau and Daniel Meurois


Non-exhaustive list of treatments carried out


Severe fatigue treatment: energetically tones the being to be treated.
Energy leak treatment: restores the energy balance of the being.
Cellular memory treatment: erases from cellular memory the disorders that the body continues to manifest as an automatism…
Laryngeal chakra treatment: aims to treat and eliminate blockages in the throat….
Depression treatment: ensures that the physical, etheric and emotional vehicle is cleared of as much slag as possible and can serve as a support for inner, psycho-therapeutic work.
Thought-form treatment: eliminates blockages produced in the mental aura by thought-forms…
Shock treatment: for the treatment of intense emotional states following shock…
Deep emotional treatment: freeing the physical body from the after-effects of heightened emotionality.
Miscarriage treatment: applies an energy dressing promoting the healing of etheric, emotional and mental wounds caused by a miscarriage...
Body adjustment care: mechanical and/or psychological origin
Hypertension treatment: to reduce hypertension…
Self-interference treatment: eliminates toxic loads…
Pre-menopause or menopause treatment: eliminates symptoms and relieves…
Treatment for sleep apnea: for all breathing difficulties…
Colopathy treatment: global care for this type of condition and helping with relief and healing…
Kidney failure treatment: treats, relieves and helps release emotional burdens on the kidneys…
Joint rheumatism treatment: targeted areas: knees, wrists, shoulders and ankles
Fibromyalgia treatment: to strengthen a weakened body…
Asthma care: for control and relief…
…and many other treatments not mentioned on this page.

The great book essenian therapies 1

Heart Contribution

Don't hesitate to talk to me if you have financial difficulties. Payable in several installments or other possible exchanges.
Make an appointment now at 06 84 21 45 23

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Emanuela, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your magical care! I have never experienced such powerful treatment, such deep cleansing! I observed myself and I understood [...] ... in short, thank you. I realize that life is simple and full of love if we take the time to live and feel the beauty of life without trying to understand everything.
Given the very positive results already observed in me, my husband would also like to receive Essenian Therapy...


Hello sweet Emanuela,
this little message just to share with you how good I feel since your treatment. Calm, peace, even joy settled within me. I no longer feel any blockage or fear, it's very pleasant, gentle and relaxing. I feel a little weightless. It's amazing! Thank you very much.
Tomorrow night is my rebirth party!


I felt held and I came out with the feeling of having unified, of having brought together all the parts of me.


Thank you Emanuela for this time of sharing in the heart of the soul. It was a beautiful exchange, full of gentleness, feminine essence and respect.
I loved your luminous singing which allowed me to rediscover myself!
Thank you for this beautiful meeting, both unexpected and magical!